Attend a training session

ÉEQ offers a variety of tools to help companies implement ecodesign initiatives. View the next date training will be offered to help companies develop and carry out packaging ecodesign projects.

The course not only provides practical information on how to operationalize the content suggested in the portal, but also trains company employees on using available communications tools (such as OptimAction) to highlight packaging optimization efforts and resulting benefits.

Training course is tailored exclusively for the packaging sector. The format is innovative as, in addition to one-day’s theoretical and practical training that includes a tour of a sorting centre, followed by a half-day’s session of personalized coaching which is given on company premises. The training is designed for ÉEQ’s contributing companies and packaging manufacturers.

Contact us if you have questions or comments on other tools ÉEQ makes available to companies to encourage the development of voluntary ecodesign and optimization initiatives for packaging and printed matter.